Head Space

My very first Web Series shot many years ago (as you can tell from the aliasing),  about two very different women, who meet online, to share costs of a road trip.  The twist is that we hear the thoughts of the women as they meet, clash and eventually get along.

Check out the episodes on You Tube!

Starring: Daniela Torchia as Eve and Barbara Cole as Raine

Written and Directed by me!

Director of Photography:  Perry Paine

Produced and Edited by Elle de Champagne

Original Music by Charley Harrison


Some Interesting Head Space Trivia:

Six Episodes of Head Space were shot over two days. For the filmmakers out there, that means we averaged 12 pages a day.

The budget for all six episodes was $400 of which half was spent on storage for the digital media.

Barbara Cole was in THE GREATER MEANING OF WATER, a film I wrote that was shot in San Diego. When auditions were being held for the characters of Eve and Raine, Barbara was referred to us via one of Elle’s contacts – proving that it really is a small world.

Episode Five, PINK, is the only episode where the title has nothing to do with the subject of the episode.

In Episode Five, PINK, Producer and Editor Elle de Champagne cameos as the ‘hitch-hiker with no name’.

The ‘hitch-hiker with no name’ is a shout out to one of my favorite films. The last line that the hitch-hiker speaks is taken verbatim from that film…